Curriculares VeBID Manual 41 3 1 3 Basic Course Core Curriculum August 2021 9 Practical sessions 53 Practical Content Relationship between alignment base of support BOS postural control core control and selective movement with respect to functional activities Analysis of functional tasks Introduction to the relationship between activity participation and body function structure Introduction to postural assessment alignment of body segments and relationship of body segment s with Base of Support Introduction to the interaction of stability and mobility for coordinated sequences of movement and how this relates to postural transitions and or task completion in order to highlight differences in the quality of task performance Introduction to the concept of balance stability limits and postural control strategies Introduction to therapeutic handling stereognostic capacity of the therapist use of the environment and verbal cues Introduction to the use of facilitation Introduction to hypothesis formation and testing in relationship to critical cues missing components in relation to a functional task Practical Content Moving between standing and sitting Analysis of stand to sit SIT Increase understanding of biomechanical demands and neuromuscular activity of the SIT task highlighting stability mobility challenges Use of the facilitation of SIT as an assessment treatment tool to gain active sitting Facilitation of active standing to active sitting through graded lowering of the body mass using eccentric muscle activity controlling centre of mass COM from a small to a large Base of Support Analysis of sit to stand STS Increase understanding of biomechanical demands and neuro muscular activity of the STS task highlighting stability mobility challenges Facilitation to gain concentric activity against gravity whilst controlling from a large to a small Base of Support

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